Chris Shands, Painting “Outside the Lines”

Chris Shands is enjoying her latest emergence as an abstract artist.  Chris’s story is  one of inspiration, color, and packed full of childhood memories.

I’m not sure exactly when I first met Chris Shands.  Perhaps it was through our mutual friend(who happens to be my sister in law) or perhaps it was when we both were on the local art and craft fair circuit many moons ago, but no matter the exact timing, for sure,  I recall becoming fast friends and loving Chris’s vibrant, creative and fun loving personality.  Interviewing Chris in her beautiful home, where she has set up her painting studio in her kitchen, was both a fun afternoon between two friends and also an enlightening discussion on her Art Works, her inspirations, some great childhood memories and, of course, her family.

Chris is the mother of three beautiful girls.  When Chris’s girls were young, Chris discovered she had an urge to do something creative.  With encouragement from her husband, Tyler, she began to explore textile painting and eventually bought a kiln.  Chris started a pottery business creating whimsical pieces,  full of color that often included gold accents much like her artwork today.  Fast forward to Chris and Tyler becoming empty nesters along with an unexpected health scare, and again with encouragement  from her husband, Chris embarked on her latest creative journey as an abstract artist.  Leading up to this moment Chris kept asking herself , “What am I waiting for?”   Then Chris came home one day and her husband said, “I ordered you an easel!”

                          Chris Shands in Kitchen

While Chris’s husband is surely her biggest fan, Chris has no doubt made her mark on her own talents.  Chris describes her methods of painting with great passion explaining that she allows the painting to guide her.  As Chris puts it, “I am not so interested in the subject, but more the relationship of colors especially when paired with other colors.  I enjoy the push and the pull of the paint brush or palette knife, or whatever tool happens to land in my hands.” For Chris, painting is like a relationship.  “It evokes anxiety, fear, euphoria, highs, lows and everything in between.”  Chris enjoys bright modern colors as much as she enjoys creating old layered looks.  It seems as if  each one of Chris’s paintings has a story.  One of my favorite stories is one where Chris describes a painting that hangs in her kitchen.  Her inspiration came from a rock, tumbled and polished, from her grandfather’s studio.   You can see Chris describing the rock and how she transforms this memory onto the canvas.

  Chris Shands rock  NYFW Aug 2014 - Oct 2014 080

Chris  also draws inspiration from Thailand where she lived until the age of nine.  Chris vividly remembers the many beautiful colors that encompass the Thailand culture such as fuchsia, turquoise, and orange.  She recalls her mother taking her to the the silk mills where dresses were made and  patterns were hand painted on the silks, and the floating river market filled with colorful items.   She remembers the Thailand tradition of offerings to Buddha where candles were lit and pieces of gold leaf were pressed on the Buddha as a sign of offering and respect.  Sometimes the wind would catch little pieces of gold leaf and in Chris’s memories these flecks of gold seemed to dance in the air.  A look at some of her pieces and you can start to see the story behind her works.  She’s enjoying the abstract and painting “Outside The Lines”.

Chris Shands pink and orange    Chris Shands small on mirror 3     Chris Shands turquoise  Chris Shands behind sofa crop

You can find Chris’s works of Art at Frame of Mind, a frame shop on Grove Avenue and in Ruth and Ollie in Carytown, a high end Interior Design and Furniture store, where Chris also works as a sales associate. Chris also accepts custom orders.

After a fun photo shoot with Kaytee Lauren Photography, Chris explains, “That’s my story.  That’s what we’re all doing.  We’re all telling a story.”

  Chris Shands BTS photoshoot

 Fun Facts About Chris

If you weren’t painting, what would you be doing?   Decorating.

What are some of your favorite pass times?  Walking with my husband and my dogs, reading blogs, and Pinterest.

What kind of music do you like?  Jazz and Rap…..Never, never country.

What’s your favorite thing to do with your girls when they come home?  Snuggle on the sofa and watch one of our favorite movies together:   Pride and Prejudice, Princess Bride or Love Actually.

What else do you enjoy doing with your family?  I am happy just listening to the stories from each of their lives.

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